Hey, I'm Bryan

I believe everyone has the ability to live a better, healthier life. I also understand that it’s not always easy to get there. I’m here to help.

Whether it’s figuring out the right type of workout, knowing if you are doing a movement correctly, modifying exercises for injuries, or finding the right reasons to keep you motivated, it can be quite daunting.

My goal is to bridge that gap between where you are now and where you want to go, and to do this not by telling you what the “right” way is, but rather to help you discover what the “right” way is for you. I’ll keep you accountable, lift you up when you need that extra push, and empower you to take your health and fitness to the next level.

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Bryan Palma front performing a front squat during a group workout.


"Bryan is always patient and takes the time to focus on developing the correct form for each exercise, where he can spot and point out small adjustments that makes a big difference.

Even after a year, I look forward to Bryan's personalized sessions and his encouraging attitude keeps me motivated."

- Yolande C.

"Through his personalized programs, he is always challenging me to push myself - and I've gotten stronger and can really see the difference it's making.

Most importantly, I've gained confidence as fitness has gone from being intimidating to enjoyable."

- Tiffany H.